Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Work It Out Wednesday

Like everyone else who is cool on the internet, I am following Ashley's New Life Plan: Rough Draft.
Today is Work It Out Wednesday, which is a day for solving big problems Since my house is way past the point of being a big problem, I've decided to actually work out on WIOW. I just purchased a kettlebell and workout video from the greatest store on earth. (That's Tar-jay for all you non-shoppers) I will be attempting the first circuit of my new video, which after 4 days is still in the package.

I am totally exhausted from Frillian getting in bed with us. I think that girl needs the sleep study, her snoring puts Mr Man to shame. I don't think I got more than 2 hours of sleep.

I am working again tonight at the Kohls. One of my people called and quit last night with no notice. Only after she shopped w/her discount an hour before. One less rider on the short bus. Yay!!

Tonight's dinner is:
crabby patties aka salmon patties...shhh don't tell the howlers it's salmon

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